date and location:
12 October 2017
ul. Senatorska 18

00-950 Warszawa

12 Oct 2017
mBank - CASE Seminars

152nd mBank-CASE Seminar: The Polish and French Labor Markets and the “Posted Workers” Debate

mBank and CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research
cordially invite you to 

the 152nd mBank – CASE Seminar

The Polish and French labor markets and the “posted workers” debate


Watch the seminar>>>


Seminar schedule

1) Free access to the EU labor market in the context of the posted worker question: the example of France

Krzysztof Starzec 
lecturer, Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne and ENSAE (the National School of Statistics and Administration)

2) The Polish labor market after 15 years of integration – what next? The context of internal changes and the discussion surrounding posted workers.

Jacek Męcina
lecturer, University of Warsaw, adviser to the board of the Lewiatan employers’ confederation


About the seminar:

Successive expansions of the European Union have increased inequality in living standards among EU members, and are the reason for the growing wage competition on the EU labor market from individuals from poor countries. This competition, combined with economic migration, has grown along with the entry into force of European laws on free access to member countries’ labor markets.

France is a particular example, especially in terms of high labor costs, which arise because social security there is financed more than in other places by burdens on the cost of labor. Additionally, complicated regulations make the labor market inflexible, hindering adjustments. This exacerbates the problem of structural unemployment and provokes protectionist reactions. As a result, the European rules on access to labor markets (including the use of posted workers) become an internal political problem.

In the context of the discussion about posted workers, from the Polish perspective, the questions that must be posed include: What is the meaning of migration for Poland, and against this backdrop the meaning of posting of workers as a form of economic expansion without loss of resources? What is the result of almost 15 years of integration in the context of the labor market and wages – is there a chance of achieving higher standards faster? Are deeper integration and restrictions on freedom possible? How will Poland cope with problems on its market?


Language of the seminar: English