01 Jul 2010 - 01 Sep 2011
Economic Development, economic growth, Europe, Research, Trade, economic integration and globalization

The Impact of the Single Market on Cohesion: Implications for Cohesion Policy, Growth and Competitiveness



The overall subject of the study is to provide an overview of Cohesion Policy and its interrelationship with other EU policies promoting the single market and competitiveness.

The purpose of the study is threefold:

First, the study assesses the impact of the Single Market on growth, competitiveness and employment at national and regional levels in EU27, in particular as regards its role in generating disparities and convergence.

Second, it should assess the appropriateness of the strategies and interventions developed in Cohesion Policy programmes in the 2007-2013 programming period to achieve growth, competitiveness and employment at national and regional levels.

Third, the study analyses the policy linkages and institutional relationship between the Lisbon process and European Cohesion policy. The study will draw conclusions for the future cohesion policy for the period post-2013 and explore possible ways to resolve the principle-agent problem in the context of the Europe2020 strategy.


Directorate-General Regional Policy (DG REGIO)


LSE Enterprise, Vienna University of Economics and Business & University of Helsinki

The report has been prepared by LSE Enterprise, drawing on work by CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research, the University of Helsinki, and Vienna University of Economics and Business and has been released in February 2012.

Full report at the website of European Commission – DG for Regional Policy.