The global crisis: Have we learned the right lessons?
The global crisis, which was the worst economic and financial downturn since the Great Depression, revealed the fundamental deficiencies in the global financial system and drastically changed the way we view the world and the global financial system. The crisis challenged long-standing views and ideas, and in response, after the most acute phase of the crisis, joint global efforts were launched to put the system on firm footing again and prevent the next crisis. These efforts can only be successful if we fully understand the root causes of the crisis and learn the right lessons from it.
In his E-brief Dr. György Surányi focuses on four topics: regulation, external position, monetary policy and the European debt crisis.
This E-brief is based on Dr György Surányi’s presentation at the CASE 2011 International Conference on Europe 2000: Exploring the Future of European Integration held on November 18-19, 2011.