Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, economic growth, economic reforms, Europe, Post-communist transition and development issues, post-socialist economies, CASE Reports, recovery growth, CASE Network Studies and Analyses, transition

Recovery Growth as a Stage of Post-Socialist Transition


Unfolding in 3-7 years after the collapse of socialism, economic growth at its first stage has a recovery nature. It appears secured by a new system of market institutions that provide other than under socialism fundamentals allowing for a reorganization of economic relations and boosting volume of output of goods and services that enjoy effective demand. At the recovery growth stage, the post socialist governments' mission should be casting preconditions for the transition from recovery growth stage to investment-based growth, with the latter basing on capital investment and creation of new production capacities. The major challenge today is promotion of reforms to ensure a sustainable long-term growth, and laying down socioeconomic fundamentals of the post-industrial society. This determines the core of the ongoing transformation and the main challenge that almost all post-socialist countries will be facing over next decades.