Prospects for EU-Ukraine Economic Relations: Presentation in Berlin
DIW Berlin and Case Warsaw are pleased to invite you to the next
DIW Berlin Seminar
Prospects for EU-Ukraine Relations
March 5, 10.00 s.t. - 13.00
dbb forum berlin, Friedrichstr. 169-170 / Französische Straße, 10117 Berlin
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Alfred Steinherr, Head of Department Macro Analysis and Forecasting, DIW Berlin
10 - 11 am - EU-Ukraine economic relations, presentation of the report prepared by CASE and CASE Ukraine.
Dmytro Boyarchuk, Malgorzata Jakubiak, Anna Kolesnichenko, Vitaliy Vavryschuk.
Recent developments and outlook.
Presenter: Dr. Lars Handrich, DIW Berlin
11-12 am - Prospects for EU-Moldova Economic Relations.
Presenter: Malgorzata Jakubiak.
12-13 - Lunch buffet
The aim of the first part of the event is to present the report prepared by CASE and CASE Ukraine, which analyses the progress in implementation of the economic articles of the EU-Ukraine Action Plan and future challenges and opportunities, and also to create a forum for discussion among international and EU institutions and think tanks on how to achieve deeper integration between Ukraine and the EU.
We look forward to your participation. To register, please send an e-mail to ( We ask you to confirm your reservation.