Profiles of the Trade Regimes in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Moldova
A project financed by the World Bank and carried out by Wojciech Paczyński in the period of February - June 2002.
CASE expert carried out an analysis of the foreign trade results, trade policies, liberalization processes within the WTO and bilateral agreements, and also defining the barriers to growth in trade in these countries. Wojciech Paczynski met with government representatives, businesspeople, international institutions and local analytical centers.
The results of the research were to be used within the framework of the CIS-7 Initiative directed at the seven poorest countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The article entitled The Integration of Low-Income CIS Members in the World Trading System, which arose on the basis of CASE's research, was presented in December 2002 during the Third Forum on Poverty Reduction in the CIS-7 Countries in Almaty and at the conference of the CIS-7 in Lucerne in January 2003.