Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy, Moldova, CASE Reports, CASE Network Studies and Analyses, trade policy, transition

Polish Best Practices on European Integration Process - Recommendations for Moldova


Moldova unilaterally declares its EU membership aspirations and started the process of economic, legal and institutional approximation targeted at establishing free market economy, stable democratic institutions and sound legal system. In the paper the authors made an attempt to assess the competitive and institutional capacity of Moldova in the context of EU membership requirements. It presents Polish achievements in European integration process as a CEE successful way towards full membership. The paper is devoted to transfer know how on Polish experience in EU integration at first stages of the process, with the emphasis on assessment of fulfillment of Copenhagen criteria and the role of association stage in the integration process as a whole. Basing on Poland's example, it provides the recommendations for Moldova on possible ways of integration with the EU so that Moldovan economy and society would be able to benefit most from the process - in other words, to successfully conclude the transformation of economy and adjust law and state institutions to European standards.

The analysis does not cover the political aspects of Transdniestrian conflict as it is an important and broad issue that requires deep separate analysis. In the paper there is also no evaluation of cooperation within Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe since we consider Moldova as Eastern European country with clear geopolitical position neighboring Ukraine and Romania.