Christopher Hartwell
Expertise: applied macroeconomics, private sector development, financial sector reform, economic growth, transition economics, public finance, and...
Katerina is an undergraduate student of International Economic Relations at the University of Economics, Prague. Her research interests concern int...
Peter R. Haiss
involved with CASE in 1999
Andrzej Halesiak
Andrzej Halesiak is an economist and manager who has been engaged with the banking sector for more than a decade, working on strategic analyses. E...
Andrew Hughes Hallett
involved with CASE in 2007
Paul Gregory Hare
Expertise: economics of transition microeconomy economics of higher education SELECTED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2008 - April 2010 Part-time DBA Ment...
Omneia Helmy
involved with CASE in 2010
Jan Herczynski
involved with CASE from 2000 to 2002Expertise:Finance, organization and management of educationBackground:Previous positions:• External advisor at...
Dawn Holland
involved with CASE in 2007
Peter Holmes
Expertise:International economic integration, trade and competition policyCurrent position:Jean Monnet Reader, University of SussexBackground:Previ...
Jens Holscher
involved with CASE in 2006
Julius Horvath
involved with CASE in 2009
Miroslav Hrncir
involved with CASE in 1994
Volodymyr Hryvniv
involved with CASE in 2005
Ian Hurst
involved with CASE in 2007