Beyond Transition - Development Perspectives and Dilemmas
The conference took place on April 12-13, 2002 in Falenty near Warsaw (Poland). During the two-day debate the outstanding economists and policymakers, representing many international institutions and different countries, discussed the challenges which post-transition countries will face in the near future. The conference agenda concentrated on perspectives and key dilemmas such as: globalisation, liberalisation, EU enlargement and the euro zone, labour market flexibility and international tax competition. About 250 guests from CEE and FSU countries, Western Europe, the USA, the South America, and Poland participated in the conference.
Main sponsor of the conference were: United Nations Development Programme, Freedom House, WestLB Polska SA, AIG PTE SA. Other sponsors were: Bank Polskiej Spóldzielczości SA, CAIB Financial Advisers Ltd., Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa SA, National Depository for Securities Poland, Partners for Financial Stability Program, PKO Bank Polski SA, PTE Skarbiec-Emerytura SA, Raiffeisen Bank Polska SA and Stowarzyszenie "Na Rzecz Rozwoju". The media patron was Gazeta Wyborcza.
Presentations of the panelists, program and a report on the course of the conference are available on line: