01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jun 2014
Europe, Private sector development, innovation and knowledge-based economy, Research

PICK-ME: Policy Incentives for the Creation of Knowledge: Methods and Evidence

The project analyses the role played by demand in the generation and exploitation of technological knowledge, introduction of technological and organizational innovation, and in fostering productivity growth, at a theoretical and especially at an empirical level. To do this the project will consider the network structures and the connectivity linkages among the different institutional actors (research infrastructure, business community, policymakers) involved in the generation and exploitation of technological knowledge in the firm, sectoral and geographical dimensions in which these processes take place. This will be done in order to give scientific support to demand-oriented innovation policies coupled with knowledge generation policies and to identify best practices for national and regional innovation systems.

Sposnor: DG Research and Development  (7FP) - European Commission

Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto Centro Superiore di Ricera e Formazione Economico - Finanziaria (Leader)
Universiteit Utrecht
Universite de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
London school of economics
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Universitaet Hohenheim
The Samuel Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology of the Tecchnion ltd.