CASE co-hosting the energy workshop
One day workshop on "The Economic Aspects of the Energy Sector in CIS Countries" presented the key findings from the project carried by CASE for European Commission’s DG ECFIN. The workshop took place at the premises of the EC Delegation in Moscow. The topics covered include dkey macroeconomic issues related to energy sector functioning in the CIS, CIS role for the EU energy supply, and strategies and policy options for the energy sector development in the CIS region.
CASE conducted the project between August 2007 and April 2008. It looked at diverse macroeconomic issues of the energy sector in CIS countries, whose economies rely heavily on this sector, assessing the challenges to fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies associated with a high share of energy in the economy. It also also covered selected aspects of EU-CIS energy relations, looking at the potential of the CIS region as a source of energy supplies for the EU and at energy policy options in the CIS.
The report has just been published in the EUROPEAN ECONOMY. ECONOMIC PAPERS Series of the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs. How important are energy sectors in CIS economies? Is energy wealth helping their social and macroeconomic development or making it more difficult? How do CIS countries cope with challenges to their macroeconomic policies? How important is the CIS region for current and future energy supplies to the EU? What is the outlook for energy policies in the region? To find out have a look here.
For the project description, please click here.