25 Apr 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 25: UK snap election: paving the way for a hard Brexit?

On April 18, British Prime Minister Theresa May unexpectedly announced that despite her earlier assertions she will hold a snap general election on June 8. Ostensibly, May seeks to secure a large parliamentary majority to diminish the power of op...

24 Apr 2017 | NEWS

CASE is seeking a Senior Economist

CASE is a fast-paced yet small organization comprised of economists, communications professionals, and business development experts. We welcome can...

24 Apr 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 25: Policymakers may find it difficult to hang their hat on expected global economic growth

Source: Reuters / Forum After more than half a decade of downbeat expectations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) finally predicts a rosier ou...

20 Apr 2017 | NEWS

CASE is seeking an Economist

CASE is a fast-paced think-tank comprised of economists, communications professionals, and business development experts. As our office is seeing in...

20 Apr 2017 | NEWS

Moving backwards: the price of waning central bank independence for Ukraine

Over the coming weeks, Ukraine will be looking for someone to fill the shoes of Valeria Gontareva, the head of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU)...

19 Apr 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 23: Was Orbán’s uni ouster a step too far?

Source: Reuters / Forum Tens of thousands of Hungarians took to the streets on April 9 in a protest that lasted six days, Hungary s biggest anti-...

13 Apr 2017 | NEWS

CASE contributes to the report on fiscal rules in the EU

One of the most striking economic governance trends of recent years has been the increased resort to fiscal rules. In the EU as a whole, the number...