22 May 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 28: The Moscow renovation trap

On May 14, over 20,000 people gathered in Moscow to protest an extraordinary renovation plan aiming to demolish over 4,500 Soviet-era prefabricated apartment blocks, known affectionately as khrushchyovkas. Local authorities argue that the vast maj...

16 May 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 27: Russia’s clash with EBRD leaves the lending freeze in place

Following the imposition of sanctions on Russia in 2014 by the US and EU, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) imposed a len...

15 May 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 27: French elections: at best a Pyrrhic victory for the French economy

After months of persistent uncertainty, the defeat of Marine Le Pen, leader of the Front National , has vested markets with newly found confidence...

10 May 2017 | NEWS

Christopher A. Hartwell discussed innovation for think tanks during the Global Think Tank Summit...

Over 140 policy makers and researchers from more than 90 organizations in over 40 countries came together to discuss Achieving Balanced Growth in A...

04 May 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 26: Dire Straits in Venezuela

How can a state with the largest proven oil reserves in the world end up being on the brink of collapse? Venezuela, like several other South-Americ...

04 May 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 26: Emmanuel Macron: a game-changer or a status quo player in French politics?

The victory of an independent centrist candidate, Emmanuel Macron, in the first round of the French election has revived hopes that France s shaky...

26 Apr 2017 | NEWS

mBank – CASE seminar: The influence of economic migration on the Polish economy

The 149th mBank-CASE Seminar was devoted to the influence of economic migration on the Polish labor market. The main presentation was delivered by...