The mixed blessing of the ‘multi-speed’ EU
The UK decision to leave the EU kicked off the debate of how the remaining 27 member states want to repair and further advance a European integration project. The 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaty celebrated in March 2017 provided an additional...
Christopher A. Hartwell at the European Financial Congress: "Economic policy uncertainty may be a...
Dr. Christopher A . Hartwell, President of CASE, participated in the 7th European Financial Congress in Sopot and Gdańsk, June 5-7, 2017. The topic...
"Promoting market-facilitating institutions is how you escape falling into the middle income trap...
Christopher A. Hartwell, President of CASE, participated in the Astana Economic Forum 2017. Dr. Hartwell gave a presentation during a flagship sess...
showCASE 31 | Pension system in Poland deformed, not reformed
The Polish government is preparing a draft reform that will abolish the open pension funds (OFE) and transfer their savings to the public and priva...
showCASE 31 | The EU-China summit in Brussels: Steely Resolve, No Resolution
The 19th bilateral EU-China summit was held on June 1-2 in Brussels but came to a disappointing end, as both sides failed to adopt a final common c...
Ex-ante study of a possible modernisation of the EU-Chile association agreement
A new study, prepared by CASE and Ecorys for the European Commission, provides an ex-ante impact assessment of the possible modernisation of the EU...
What role can tax incentives for venture capital and business angels play in fostering investment?
Tax incentives have become an increasingly important part of the investment and innovation policy mix in the EU and beyond. The study Effectiveness...