28 Aug 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 41 | China’s Economic Growth: Quantity over Quality

In 2012, the National Congress of the Communist Party of China (NCCPC) has set a goal of doubling the 2010 GDP (10.6%) until 2020 to not only celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the NCCPC, but also to accelerate convergence with the USA, the big...

21 Aug 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 40 | A Eurozone budget: Taking a “Two-speed” Europe to the Next Level?

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy recently announced that Spain will advocate for deepening the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), creating a eu...

16 Aug 2017 | NEWS


CASE Center for Social and Economic Research is an independent, non-profit institute founded on the idea that research-based policy-making is vital...

14 Aug 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 39 | Venezuela on the brink

The past four months have not been easy for Venezuela, but last fortnight has proved to be particularly arduous. President Nicolas Maduro s gamble...

09 Aug 2017 | NEWS

Women’s Empowerment in the Mediterranean Region

"Beliefs on the traditional role of women as caregivers or housewives that should not have a paid job outside the home also may contribute to femal...

07 Aug 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 38 | The Czech National Bank: (not) a bellwether for policy reform in the continent

Last week, the Czech National Bank (CNB) decided to increase its base policy interest rate to 0.25%, becoming the first European central bank to mo...

31 Jul 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 37 | Judicial Reform and the Summer of Poland’s Discontent

Recent attempts by the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) government to push forward controversial judiciary reforms in Poland has attracted severe criti...