The Supervisory Council approved Three New Appointments
In a meeting held on 22 October, CASE’s Supervisory Council approved three new appointments, in addition to accepting Malgorzata Jakubiak’s resignation from her current position as Vice-President. Malgorzata will continue her successful research...
The Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Channels of Contagion and Potential Lessons
Allusions to a US-limited subprime mortgage crisis have long died out. Few local analysts and politicians would dare claiming that their country i...
The Risk Management Approach of the Federal Reserve System - a Model for the European Central Bank?
While it first appeared that Europe would not imitate the US in fighting the effects of the financial crisis, a growing number of European governme...
Azerbaijan: Advisory Service on Macroeconomic Management and Institutional Reforms
During its 17 years of independence, Azerbaijan has faced many of the challenges that also confronted other CIS* countries, namely economic distort...
An Active September for ENEPO: 4 New Publications
No. 365 - CIS Countries' Interests vis-à-vis the European Union and its Eastern PolicyNo. 366 - Labor Migration from East to West in the Context of...
Economic and Social Consequences of Industrial Restructuring in Russia and Ukraine
WP-05: Social security, labour market and restructuring: Current situation and expected outcomes of reformsThe demographic situation and the labour...
Is Georgia Ready for a Free Trade Agreement with the EU?
Hinting at an answer, CASE Vice-President, Malgorzata Jakubiak, presented the major findings of the study on The Economic Feasibility, General Econ...