22 Mar 2010 | NEWS

Social security, Labour Market and Restructuring – Russia and Ukraine

In Social security, Labour Market and Restructuring – Russia and Ukraine (CASE Network E-Brief 5/2010) expert Anna Ruzik looks back at the evolution of the labour market and social security in the past two decades. In her narrative, she pays speci...

18 Mar 2010 | NEWS

The global financial crisis and public service delivery in the former Soviet Union

CASE has been selected to carry out a 12 month study to asses the impact of the global financial crisis on public service delivery in former Soviet...

04 Mar 2010 | NEWS

Calling for reforms: the post-crisis development in Russia

In Challenges of Post-Crisis Economic Policy in Russia (CASE Network E-brief 04/2010) CASE expert Sergey Drobyshevsky discusses the current policy...

25 Feb 2010 | NEWS

The price of delay: the future of Russian and Ukrainian pension systems

In The price of delay: the future of Russian and Ukrainian pension systems, CASE expert Oxana Sinyavskaya vehemently refuses to accept the ‘economi...

19 Feb 2010 | NEWS

Window of Opportunity for Reforms

As the economic crisis strikes hard and Ukraine’s prospects look gloomy, an independent International Expert Commission finds that new windows of o...

17 Feb 2010 | NEWS

Reducing Shadow Employment: Russia and Ukraine

In Tax wedge, labor market and the shadow economy (CASE Network E-brief 02/2010) CASE-fellow Mateusz Walewski assesses the impact of tax reforms on...

05 Feb 2010 | NEWS

Sound expenditure and long term growth: assessing public finances in the EU Mediterranean partner...

The European Commission, DG ECFIN, has published a CASE report, completed by CASE Fellows, Luc De Wulf and Cyrus Sassanpur, along with Leonor Couti...