Weighing the costs and benefits of a free trade area between the EU and Russia
The EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, which entered into force in 1997, foresees the possible establishment of a free trade area (FTA) between the parties. In analysing the partnership, CASE found that an EU-Russia FTA would prove b...
The impact of the single market on cohesion: implications for cohesion policy, growth and competi...
In partnership with LSE Enterprise and the Vienna University of Economics and Business & University of Helsinki, CASE begins a study titled, Single...
CASE concludes a study on the EU’s Generalised System of Preferences trade arrangement for develo...
As a partner in the consortium led by CARIS (University of Sussex), CASE has completed a mid‐term evaluation of the EU’s Generalised System of Pref...
John B. Taylor on the causes of global financial crisis and how to prevent future crises
Invited by CASE- Center for Social and Economic Research and BRE Bank, organizers of the BRE-CASE seminar series, Professor John B. Taylor visited...
Fiscal developments in Europe and Central Asia
Luca Barbone, currently the Director for Economic Management and Poverty Reduction in Europe and Central Asia at the World Bank, gave a presentatio...
Euro Crisis or Debt Crisis?
The public debt crisis is not limited to Greece or to the Euro area. In fact, several developed economies face rapidly growing debt-to-GDP ratios,...
How service sector innovation and internationalisation impact growth and productivity – CASE kick...
The increasing importance of the market service sector appears to play a crucial role in the differential economic performance among industrialised...