23 Jul 2010 | NEWS

Weighing the costs and benefits of a free trade area between the EU and Russia

The EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, which entered into force in 1997, foresees the possible establishment of a free trade area (FTA) between the parties. In analysing the partnership, CASE found that an EU-Russia FTA would prove b...

19 Jul 2010 | NEWS

The impact of the single market on cohesion: implications for cohesion policy, growth and competi...

In partnership with LSE Enterprise and the Vienna University of Economics and Business & University of Helsinki, CASE begins a study titled, Single...

16 Jul 2010 | NEWS

CASE concludes a study on the EU’s Generalised System of Preferences trade arrangement for develo...

As a partner in the consortium led by CARIS (University of Sussex), CASE has completed a mid‐term evaluation of the EU’s Generalised System of Pref...

05 Jul 2010 | NEWS

John B. Taylor on the causes of global financial crisis and how to prevent future crises

Invited by CASE- Center for Social and Economic Research and BRE Bank, organizers of the BRE-CASE seminar series, Professor John B. Taylor visited...

25 Jun 2010 | NEWS

Fiscal developments in Europe and Central Asia

Luca Barbone, currently the Director for Economic Management and Poverty Reduction in Europe and Central Asia at the World Bank, gave a presentatio...

24 Jun 2010 | NEWS

Euro Crisis or Debt Crisis?

The public debt crisis is not limited to Greece or to the Euro area. In fact, several developed economies face rapidly growing debt-to-GDP ratios,...

15 Jun 2010 | NEWS

How service sector innovation and internationalisation impact growth and productivity – CASE kick...

The increasing importance of the market service sector appears to play a crucial role in the differential economic performance among industrialised...