New Community - Old Policies? Central European Voice on the Future of Economic Policy in the Enlarged European Union
"New Community - Old Policies? Central European Voice on the Future of Economic Policy in the Enlarged European Union" was a joint project of the CASE Foundation, the Institute of World Economy of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Academia Istropolitana Nova from Slovakia and the Civic Association 'Europeum' from the Czech Republic. The project was to answer the question of the adaptability and appropriateness of the EU policies for the V4 countries. Since the best results can be achieved if the experience of the Visegrad countries is shared and the human resources are pooled, 4 common, high-level seminars and a conference were organised to discuss the challenge that Central Europe would face immediately after its EU accession.
- How Can the European Employment Strategy Help the New Member States in Fighting Unemployment? (Warsaw, 18.10.2002);
- Structural and Regional Policy - Chances, Challenges, Dangers (Prague, 1.03.2003);
- National and European Immigration Policy after the EU Enlargement (Warsaw, 16.05.2003);
- European Social Fund and life-long learning - a help to solve the unemployment problem? (Bratislava, 4.07.2003);
- New Community - Old Policies? Final Conference of the project (Warsaw, July 2003).
The 'New Community - Old Policies?' project wass supported by the International Visegrad Fund and the Soros Foundations in Budapest, Bratislava, Prague and Warsaw (the Stefan Batory Foundation).