National and European Immigration Policy After the EU Enlargement
The 4th seminar on: National and European Immigration Policy After the EU Enlargement organized within the CASE European Seminars series will be held on May 16, 2003, in the premises of Bank Handlowy, Leopold Kronenberg Conference Room, 7/9 Traugutta.
The CASE European Seminars series is a joint venture of CASE and the Leopold Kronenberg Foundation.
Seminar will be held both in Polish and English (interpreting provided).
11:00-12:00 The demand for the foreign labour force in Poland, Prof. Dariusz Stola, Centre of Migration Research; Prof. Marek Bednarski, Institute of Labour and Social Affairs, Jeremi Mordasewicz, Polish Confederation of Private Employers
12:00-13:00 Prospects for an active immigration policy in Poland, under the consideration of the aecquis and of the country-specific aspects, Dr Maciej Duszczyk, Office of the Committe for the European Integration; Janusz Grzyb, Ministry of Economics, Labour and Social Policy; Jakub Boratyński, Stefan Batory Foundation
13:00-13:15 Break
13:15-13:45 Prospects for an active immigration policy on the Community level, Sergio Carrera, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels
13:45-14:30 Immigrants on the national labour markets: present situation, policy and future developments, Dr Pal Nyiri, Central European University, Budapest, Sona Stara, Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Issues
Some EU member states have adopted concrete initiatives in the field of active immigration policy to address increasing labour market shortages and demographic problems. For a longer time there has been a fierce discussion between the proponents of replacement immigration, that is immigration aimed at compensating for the inevitable population decline (and labour force decline) in
The 'New Community - Old Policies?' project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.