Moldova: Social and economic impact of migration from rural areas in Moldova. Support for Moldovan public administration.
Description :
During the last decade, migration outflows from Moldova have taken considerable proportions with important consequences in both the social and economic areas of the country. This phenomenon remains poorly studied due to a lack of precise data. In official statistics, neither labour trips away from rural areas, nor the quantum of money sent back home are properly monitored and recorded. Studies on motives to migrate that try to estimate its effect at both the micro and macro levels (see most recent WB CEM for an overview) do exist. However, current nationwide surveys date back to 2004 and do not exclusively focus on migration from rural areas.
There is a pressing need to check and build on earlier findings addressing migration from Moldova's rural areas. Incentives to undertake work abroad and job perspectives might be different in 2008 since the Moldovan economy has been growing during each year following 2004. Despite positive, yearly growth rates, large flows of migrants keep moving out of the country. Better tailored policies backed by properly assessed needs are clearly called for in such a situation.
The main activities of the project will concentrate on a comparative analysis of data gathered in Moldova using a survey, evidence from countries facing similar problems, an overview of the main problems, and recommandations. This shall be achieved in partnership with civil society actors and governmental institutions, as well as other relevant stakeholders.
The project will result in: (i) training central public administration employees in using an IT software able to map out migration-affected "raions" in Moldova; and (ii) a report that will summarize the survey's findings and contain detailed policy recommendations.
Findings, recommendations and foreign experiences will be debated around a table in Chisinau on 11 December 2008.
The project is co-financed by the 2008 Polish aid programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Partner :
CASE Moldova