Milan Scasny
Current Positions:
- Senior Research Fellow & Head of the Environmental Economics and Sociology Unit, Charles University Prague, Environment Center (2001-present),
- External lecturer and student’s thesis supervision at Charles University (2001-present).
Previous Positions:
- External Consultant, OECD (May 2008- Jun 2009),
- Advisor of the Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic (Sep 2006-May 2007),
- Official and analyst, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic (Nov 1997-Dec 2000).
- PhD in Economic Theory, Charles University (1998-2007),
- Master of Economics, Charles University (1994-1997),
- Bachelor of Economics, Charles University (1991-1994).
Slovak (native), Czech (fluent), English (advanced).
Online Profiles: