MIGRIGHT: Improving social dialogue for decent work of migrants and refugees in Poland
The main objective of the project is to raise capacity of social partners in Poland to participate in both tripartite and bipartite dialogue through the transfer of best practices and training regarding fostering migrant and refugee workers’ rights and ensuring decent work conditions for this group of workers.
In order to achieve this goal, the project will specifically aim to:
- increase the level of professionalization of the social dialogue through better preparation of its participants and by basing the dialogue on facts (evidence-based policy making);
- facilitate the social dialogue on migrant and labour policies through the development of a set of guidelines and recommendations regarding the cooperation between the dialogue’s participants that would support the dialogue-friendly environment;
- disseminate knowledge on activities of social dialogue partners in Poland and Norway in the sphere of fostering migrant and refugee workers’ rights and ensuring decent work conditions for this group of workers.
The project will help to establish decent work practices and will address primarily the issue of labour rights and equality of opportunity and treatment of migrant and refugee workers.
Main activities and products
The following activities will be carried out as part of the project:
Three expert and consultative meetings (round tables) will be organised at the voivodship level. The meetings will be attended by the participants of social dialogue in Poland, public authorities and other organisations that promote decent work. The aim of the meetings will be twofold: 1) to enhance the knowledge base of the participants of the social dialogue on the issues related to the presence of third country nationals on the Polish labour market, with special emphasis on migrant and refugee workers’ rights and ensuring decent work conditions for this group of workers; 2) to create a dialogue-friendly environment for open discussions on the issues central to the project. Each meeting will be dedicated to the specific topic related to decent work of migrants and refugees, and discussions will be informed by dedicated discussion briefs. The meetings will serve not only as a forum for the exchange of opinions but will also help to identify measures and actions that should or could be taken in order to improve the existing situation.
Four workshop trainings will be organised in Warsaw and attended by all project partners and representatives of other social dialogue institutions and public authorities. Workshop participants will work jointly on the development of a set of guidelines and recommendations regarding the cooperation between the dialogue’s participants – the MIGRIGHT Social Dialogue Toolkit. The aim of the workshop trainings will also be twofold: 1) to transfer knowledge and good practices from the Norwegian partner regarding the practice of social dialogue in the sphere of migration and labour policies, and specifically on the issues related to decent work of migrant and refugee workers (case studies); 2) to map, discuss and jointly address existing obstacles in conducting an effective social dialogue on the issues central to the project.
Representatives of Polish social dialogue participants will participate in the study visit to Norway. The aim of the visit will be to support transferring of best practices through a series of meetings with social dialogue organisations and public authorities from Norway. Special emphasis will be put on discussions on the transferability of best practices to the Polish ground. The results of the visit will feed into the MIGRIGHT Social Dialogue Toolkit.
Final conference, attended by all project partners and other invited representatives of social dialogue organisations, public authorities and other relevant organisations, will be organised in Warsaw. The main aim of the conference will be to disseminate the results of the project and to promote the MIGRIGHT Social Dialogue Toolkit.
Project leader
Federacja Przedsiębiorców Polskich, FPP
Project partners
Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Związków Zawodowych, OPZZ
Centrum Analiz Społeczno-Ekonomicznych, CASE
Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, NHO
Project products
- Read the "Social dialogue TOOLKIT for decent work of migrants and refugees in Poland" which is available for download here.
- Watch three short movies on decent work of foreigners and the role of social dialogue in fostering decent work conditions for all:
Supported by Norway through the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Social Dialogue – Decent Work".