Measuring the implementation of EU health policies at national, regional and local levels
Full title: To measure the implementation of EU health policies at national, regional and local levels, assessing the utility of existing indicators for this task and developing new indicators as necessary
Project description
This study is a follow-up to the mid-term evaluation of the EU Health Strategy 2008-2013 where the chapter on policy implementation indicators has not been developed sufficiently. The study's results, which will be a set of policy implementation indicators, are to serve as a tool for the Commission to monitor more generally the impact of EU health policy on national health policies.
The study focuses on a limited number of policy implementation indicators that can be used in the future to monitor effectiveness and impact of EU Health policy, particularly on quantifying EU added value and demonstrating policy progress and convergence with and among national policies. In particular, tools are identified or developed to show links between the Health Strategy and Member States outputs/ policy developments. Moreover, it is intended to propose a set of feasible and measurable policy implementation indicators for effectively assessing progress and monitoring implementation and achievements of the EU Health policy.
General Objectives of the Project
This study aims to assess and report on possible use of existing or new policy implementation indicators for current and possible future monitoring of EU health policy. These should be robust and validated enough to enable
- proposing a set of feasible and measurable policy implementation indicators for assessing progress and monitoring the implementation and achievements of EU Health policy and eventually
- to introduce an indicator-based approach in EU health policy for the post-2013 period and
- to help monitoring and evaluating its implementation as well as the interaction between EU-level health activities and the EU Member States national health policies. This exercise can also be useful for the development of process indicators to measure some achievements of the Health for Growth Programme.
Project Structure and Involvement of CASE
CASE has been invited by Economisti Associati to write one out of the four country studies within the evaluation, the one on Poland. The work involves:
- identification of primary and secondary sources (i.e. key informants to be interviewed, and relevant policy documents and studies);
- preparation of a succinct overview of the Polish national health policy governance / health system organisation;
- data gathering (i.e. desk review of the Polish policy documents in the fields covered by the study, and about 6-7 interviews with key informants).
Project Output
A final report shall be produced, including the country study performed by CASE. Optionally, a workshop will take place.
Project Leader: Economisti Associati