List of Deliverables
EU Eastern Neighbourhood: Economic Potential and Future Development [ENEPO]
List of Deliverables
- 2007-05-16 The Evolution of EU policy towards its CIS neighbours
- 2007-06-15 Assessing the development gap
- 2007-06-15 Energy Demand and Supply, Current and Future Trends in Europe and the CIS region
- 2007-06-15 Working paper on Portofolio Investment Flows
- 2007-06-15 Working paper on concepts and definitions of institutional development and methodology of measuring them
- 2007-06-15 Policy paper assessing effectiveness of Technical Assistance and providing recommendations on increasing its impact
- 2007-07-18 State of the Art. The Nexus between European Neighbourhood Policy and Justice and Home Affairs
- 2007-07-24 The analysis of outward migration in selected CIS countries
- 2007-11-07 Determinants of Portfolio Flows into CIS Countries
- 2007-11-07 Economic Relations between the EU and CIS (An Overview)
- 2007-11-07 The Intersection Between Justice and Home Affairs and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Taking Stock of the Logic, Objectives and Practices
- 2007-11-07 Institutional Harmonization in the Context of Relations Between the EU and Its Eastern Neighbours: Costs and Benefits and Methodologies of Their Measurement
- 2007-11-07 Assessing the Development Gap
- 2007-12-04 A recursive dynamic extension of the CGE model
- 2007-12-04 Case studies for selected TA projects: Belarus
- 2007-12-04 Case studies for selected TA projects: Kazakhstan
- 2007-12-04 Case studies for selected TA projects: Kyrgyzstan
- 2007-12-04 Case studies for selected TA projects: Russia
- 2007-12-04 Case studies for selected TA projects: Ukraine
- 2007-12-04 Case studies for selected TA projects: Uzbekistan
- 2008-10-10 Labor Migration from East to West in the Context of European Integration and Changing Socio-political Borders
- 2008-10-10 WP3-D5: European Integration and Domestic Regions by Arne Melchior (NUPI); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP4-D7: A series of country-specific comparative static CGE models presenting CGE-based simulations of WTO entry and different types of EU-CIS FTA for several CIS countries: Armenia by Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler University (Linz), and CEPR) and Miriam Manchin (SSEES, UCL and Kiel Institute for the World Economy); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP4-D7:A series of country-specific comparative static CGE models presenting CGE-based simulations of WTO entry and different types of EU-CIS FTA for several CIS countries: Azerbaijan by Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler University (Linz), and CEPR) and Miriam Manchin (SSEES, UCL and Kiel Institute for the World Economy); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP4-D7: A series of country-specific comparative static CGE models presenting CGE-based simulations of WTO entry and different types of EU-CIS FTA for several CIS countries: Georgia by Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler University (Linz), and CEPR) and Miriam Manchin (SSEES, UCL and Kiel Institute for the World Economy); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP4-D7: A series of country-specific comparative static CGE models presenting CGE-based simulations of WTO entry and different types of EU-CIS FTA for several CIS countries: Kazakhstan by Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler University -Linz, and CEPR) and Miriam Manchin (SSEES, UCL and Kiel Institute for the World Economy); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP4-D7: A series of country-specific comparative static CGE models presenting CGE-based simulations of WTO entry and different types of EU-CIS FTA for several CIS countries: Kyrgyzstan by Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler University -Linz, and CEPR) and Miriam Manchin (SSEES, UCL and Kiel Institute for the World Economy); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP4-D7: A series of country-specific comparative static CGE models presenting CGE-based simulations of WTO entry and different types of EU-CIS FTA for several CIS countries: Russia by Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler University -Linz, and CEPR) and Miriam Manchin (SSEES, UCL and Kiel Institute for the World Economy); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP4-D7: A series of country-specific comparative static CGE models presenting CGE-based simulations of WTO entry and different types of EU-CIS FTA for several CIS countries: Ukraine by Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler University -Linz, and CEPR) and Miriam Manchin (SSEES, UCL and Kiel Institute for the World Economy); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP4-D8: A series of draft papers dealing with CGE-based simulations of WTO entry and different types of EU-CIS FTA for individual CIS countries by Joseph Francois (Johannes Kepler University -Linz, and CEPR) and Miriam Manchin (SSEES, UCL and Kiel Institute for the World Economy); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP4-D9: A paper detailing the types of non-tariff barriers encountered in the EU and New Border Countries and their impact on trade by Svitlana Taran (CASE Ukraine); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP5-D10: Cooperation in the Energy Supply Field Part 1. Energy Demand and Supply Current and Future Trends in Europe and the CIS region by Papava Vladimer (CASE Transcaucasus and Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GFSIS)-Coordinator), Bagirov Sabit (CASE Transcaucasus), Grigoriev Leonid (Institute of Energy and Finance), Paczynski Wojciech (CASE), Salikhov Marcel (Institute of Energy and Finance), Tokmazishvili Micheil (CASE Transcaucasus); working paper
- 2008-10-10 WP6-D12: FDI and investment climate by Alina Kudina (University of Warwick) and Malgorzata Jakubiak (Centre for Social and Economic Research, CASE); working paper
- WP7-D14: Macroeconomic and demographic evolution of teh EU and the neighborhood regions in the next decades by Vladimir Borgy (Banque de France, CEPII), Xavier Chojnicki (CEPII; EQUIPPE, Universities of Lille); working paper
- WP8-D18: Income and Distribution Effects of Migration and Remittances: An Analysis Based on CGE Models for Selected CIS Countries by Aziz Atamanov (CASE-Kyrgyzstan), Matthias Luecke (The Kiel Institute for the World Economy), Toman Omar Mahmoud (The Kiel Institute for the World Economy), Roman Mogilevsky (CASE-Kyrgyzstan), Kseniya Tereshchenko (CERGE-EI), Natalia A. Tourdyeva (CEFIR), Ainura Uzagalieva (CEEAplA at the University of the Azores, CERGE-EI), Vitaliy Vavryshchuk (CASE-Ukraine); working paper
- WP9-D20: A policy brief on the institutional structures and policy output of the Association Agreements and Actions Plans by Nicole Wichmann (University of Lucerne, Switzerland); working paper
- WP9-D21: EC Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements: Implementing a New EU Security Approach in the Neighbourhood by CEPS; working paper
- WP10-D24: Institutional convergence of CIS towards European benchmarks by CASE Ukraine; working paper