Economics of Gender, Europe, Labor market, social policy and social services, Private sector development, innovation and knowledge-based economy, regulation, Research

Law in support of women entrepreneurship in Poland. Recommendations for amendments


The project aim is to identify the legal obstacles with which women entrepreneurs need to cope in order start up and run an economic activity in Poland. The experts will analyze the Polish regulations which influence or might influence negatively the decision of women entrepreneurs to start up a business.
Moreover, CASE experts will prepare recommendations for amending Polish law in order to both minimize the barriers for women entrepreneurship and to increase employment of women by means of encouraging them to start up an economic activity.
Furthermore, legal solutions from other countries will be analyzed to select among them the best practices in supporting women entrepreneurship and creating conditions to reconcile private life and professional career.   

CASE experts presented the study on Moday 14.11.2011 at PARP's conference. Publications is available on PARP website.