23 Nov 2008 | NEWS

How Feasible Is a EU-Georgia and a EU-Armenia Free Trade Agreement?

The information is drawn from two larger CASE Network Reports on the Economic Feasibility, General Economic Impact and Implications of a Free Trade Agreement Between the European Union and Georgia (No. 79) and Armenia (No. 80) respectively.  The r...

22 Nov 2008 | NEWS

Financial Crisis: Is There a Wandering Asset-Price Bubble?

Dr. Orlowski argues in this Network Study and Analysis that the severity of the crisis is strongly influenced by changeable allocations of global s...

17 Nov 2008 | NEWS

Technical Assistance to CIS Countries: Performance At Stake

In this recent publication part of the CASE Network Studies and Analyses series, the authors begin by outlining the determinants and distribution p...

14 Nov 2008 | NEWS

The Euro Did Not Raise Prices in The EMU

Przemyslaw WozniakDownload PresentationContrary to the general belief that the introduction of the euro raised the general price level in the EMU,...

02 Nov 2008 | NEWS

Alina Kudina and Malgorzata Jakubiak surveying 120 MNEs to find out the motives and impediments t...

In The Motives and Impediments to FDI in the CIS, Alina Kudina and Malgorzata Jakubiak, two CASE affiliated researchers, investigates the motivatio...

24 Oct 2008 | NEWS

The Supervisory Council approved Three New Appointments

In a meeting held on 22 October, CASE’s Supervisory Council approved three new appointments, in addition to accepting Malgorzata Jakubiak’s resigna...

23 Oct 2008 | NEWS

The Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Channels of Contagion and Potential Lessons

Allusions to a US-limited subprime mortgage crisis have long died out.  Few local analysts and politicians would dare claiming that their country i...