04 Feb 2009 | NEWS

Financial Crisis: Hire economic historians, not mathematicians and physicists!

Click to enlarge“One of the lessons of the recent crisis, a lesson for bankers and for regulators, is, hire fewer mathematicians and physicists who build models on the basis of data that they can observe over a relatively short period, and hire a...

03 Feb 2009 | NEWS

AIM - Adequacy of Old-Age Income Maintenance in the EU

How to make pension systems sustainable?AIM - Adequacy of Old-Age Income Maintenance in the EU is a project funded under the 6th EU Research Framew...

28 Jan 2009 | NEWS

Fiscal Stimulus Packages: Can They Rescue the Economy?

Leszek Balcerowicz and Andrzej Rzonca were invited to kick off the first CASE policy research seminar of the year on 13 January 2009. The financial...

19 Jan 2009 | NEWS

CASE ranks 3rd in the Top 25 Leading Think Tanks in Eastern Europe

The 2008 Global Go-To Think Tanks Index is the work of James G. McGann, director of the Think Tanks and Civil Society Program at the University of...

29 Dec 2008 | NEWS

Supporting UNICEF to Achieve Improvements in Outcomes for Children and Families in the Western Ba...

[PROJECT WEBPAGE]CASE undertakes for UNICEF a study covering a policy and institutional mapping of trends in public financial management (PFM) refo...

04 Dec 2008 | NEWS

Knowledge-based enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe: Contributing to the diffusion of innov...

KEINS (Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Networks and Systems), a project funded under the EU Sixth Framework Program and led by CESPRI...

24 Nov 2008 | NEWS

Economic Assessment of the Euro Area: EUROFRAME 2008 Report Release

Press ReleaseEUROFRAME Economic Assessment of the Euro AreaNovember 2008Today sees the launch of the EUROFRAME Group’s latest report1 giving GDP an...