22 Nov 2011 | NEWS

Exploring the Future of European Integration

Last weekend for the seventh time CASE International Conference took place. 32 high-level experts from the European Commission, the World Bank, Professors and Consultants from around the world debated over Europe’s possible ways out of the debt t...

15 Nov 2011 | NEWS

CASE successfully closes project on best practices in supporting women entrepreneurship

CASE experts, Anna Kurowska, Inga Dwórznik and Paweł Franczak, presented their recommendations for amending the Polish law in order to minimize the...

14 Nov 2011 | NEWS

Igniting Innovation: Rethinking the Role of Government in Emerging Europe and Central Asia

Innovation and technology absorption are now firmly recognized as one of the main sources of economic growth for emerging and advanced economies al...

07 Nov 2011 | NEWS

CASE Welcomes a New Fellow

CASE proudly welcomes a new fellow. Dr. Dusan Vujovic who specializes in Macroeconomics, Institutional Reforms and Financial Markets. Dr. Vujovic w...

27 Oct 2011 | NEWS

CASE contributed to preparing SBA Fact Sheets published by the European Commission

The Directorate General Enterprise and Industry has published the 2010/2011 the Small Business Act (SBA) Fact Sheets.

24 Oct 2011 | NEWS

An Independent Evaluation of Research at the IMF

Hali J. Edison, Lead Evaluator at the Independent Evaluation Office of the International Monetary Fund held a presentation on "Research at the IMF...

24 Oct 2011 | NEWS

Debating the economic and trade issues of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement

At the invitation of the European Parliament, CASE senior expert Marek Dabrowski presented at a workshop in Brussels last Thursday, October 20.