06 Nov 2013 | NEWS

Another publication within NEUJOBS project

Another publication titled "The impact of institutional and Socio-Ecological Drivers on Activity at Older Ages", was released within a project NEUJOBS, funded by the European Commission, Research Directorate General as part of the 7th Framework P...

02 Nov 2013 | NEWS

A new publication within NEUJOBS project

A new report: "Age and Productivity. Human Capital Accumulation and Depreciation", was released within a project NEUJOBS- “The Impact of Service S...

31 Oct 2013 | NEWS

Conference "WTO accession: Problems and prospects"

The seminar called "WTO accession: Problems and prospects", organized within the project “Belarus on the road to the WTO: Problems and Prospects”,...

30 Oct 2013 | NEWS

A kick-off meeting for Transfer of Know-How for Small and Mid-size Businesses in Georgia, Moldova...

A kick-off meeting for "Transfer of Know-How for Small and Mid-size Businesses in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine" project took place last weekend in...

28 Oct 2013 | NEWS

A new publication within the "Belarus on the road to the WTO: Problems and Prospects" project

A new study within the Belarus on the road to the WTO: Problems and Prospects project, titled "Social effects of accession of Belarus to the WTO",...

18 Oct 2013 | NEWS

A new publication within Poland - Meeting 2020 Social Inclusion Targets project released

A new publication titled "Simulating Poverty in Europe. The Potential Contributions of Employment and Education to Reducing Poverty and Social Excl...

17 Oct 2013 | NEWS

Interview with Charles W. Calomiris, a guest of 128th BRE-Bank CASE Seminar, by Polish newspaper...

In an interview for Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita a guest of 128th CASE BRE-Bank Seminar, Professor Charles W. Calomiris, reveals why he believes...