showCASE No. 123: COP26: A Decade to Deliver?
Editorial In this issue of showCASE we are taking a look at the outcomes of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) that took place earlier this month in Glasgow. According to CASE economist Karolina Zubel and CASE intern Giuseppe Scullari, des...
CASE Highlights
Trade, Innovation, and Productivity Northern Ireland maintains free movement of goods with the EU after Brexit. This arrangement is in line with th...
Watch the videos from the CASE 30th Anniversary Conference
Watch the videos from the CASE 30th Anniversary Conference Looking Back to Look Forward: The Future of the EU Economy which was held on September 2...
CASE Highlights
Trade, Innovation, and Productivity The recently published European Commission annual report on the monitoring of the EU agri-food trade shows rela...
CASE Highlights
Trade, Innovation, and Productivity According to the latest (August 17, 2021) European recovery statistics published by the EUROSTAT, most of the E...
Farewell EuroPACE
About the EuroPACE project EuroPACE was a three-year European Commission-funded project, started in March 2018 and ending in August 2021. Since its...
CASE Highlights
Trade, Innovation, and Productivity According to the latest European Commission forecasts published on July 7, the EU economy will return to its pr...