04 Dec 2008 | NEWS

Knowledge-based enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe: Contributing to the diffusion of innovation rather than innovating

KEINS (Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Networks and Systems), a project funded under the EU Sixth Framework Program and led by CESPRI (the Centre of Research on Innovation and Internationalization) at Bocconi University in Milan, Ita...

24 Sep 2008 | NEWS

Energy Sector in the CIS: Policy Challenges and the Importance for the EU

Decreasing energy production and increasing consumption in the European Union, as well as a dependency trend on Russian gas, will shape cooperation...

12 Sep 2008 | NEWS

Integration: Stabilizing the Balkans

The report outlines the current economic relations between the EU and the Western Balkans and concludes that integration has proved to be a success...

13 Jun 2008 | NEWS

CASE co-hosting the energy workshop

One day workshop on "The Economic Aspects of the Energy Sector in CIS Countries" presented the key findings from the project carried by CASE for E...