30 Jun 2020 | NEWS

Report from the 166th mBank-CASE seminar: Will the pandemic reshape globalisation?

At the 166th mBank-CASE Seminar, Dr. Dalibor Rohac, of the American Enterprise Institute and the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies in Brussels, and Professor Roman Kuźniar of the University of Warsaw attempted to answer the question of...

12 Jun 2020 | NEWS

Report from the 165th mBank-CASE seminar: Is the economy doomed to a long recession?

Is the economy doomed to a long recession? That was the question addressed at the 165th mBank-CASE seminar by two outstanding economists, Professo...

09 Jun 2020 | NEWS

The 166th mBank-CASE seminar: Will the pandemic reshape globalisation?

mBank and CASE Center for Social and Economic Research cordially invite you to: the 166th mBank CASE Seminar: Will the pandemic reshape globalisati...

02 Jun 2020 | NEWS

Webinar "The COVID-19 Crisis: The Limits of Monetary Easing. New Challenge for the Financial Sector"

Join a live webinar "The COVID-19 Crisis: The Limits of Monetary Easing. New Challenge for the Financial Sector" on Thursday (June 4) at 3 p.m. Age...

25 May 2020 | NEWS

showCASE No. 105: Digital Preparedness as a Backbone of the Economic and Social Resilience in the...

Editorial In this issue of showCASE, completely redesigned to make reading it a more visually enjoyable experience to our followers, CASE Economist...

21 May 2020 | NEWS

The 165th mBank-CASE seminar: Is the economy doomed to a long recession?

mBank and CASE Center for Social and Economic Research cordially invite you to: the 165th mBank CASE Seminar: Is the economy doomed to a long reces...

18 May 2020 | NEWS

A Joint Declaration on the Importance of Collaboration, Open Trade, and Innovation in Tackling CO...

Introduction We are an international coalition of public policy research institutes and think tanks that believes that the collaboration, open trad...