16 Sep 2020 | NEWS

Digitalisation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Mediterranean

Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the spine of Euro-Mediterranean economies. In the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) countries, they account for over 90-95% of all firms in absolute figures (OECD, 2018; IMF, 2019), of...

25 Aug 2020 | NEWS

CASE Highlights

Trade, Innovation, and Productivity On August 14th, The Polish Statistical Office published first flash estimates of the seasonally adjusted GDP fi...

20 Aug 2020 | NEWS

CASE Report: Increasing the International Role of the Euro: A Long Way to Go

The euro is the second most important global currency after the US dollar. However, its international role has not increased since its inception in...

13 Aug 2020 | NEWS

30 Years of Economic Transformation in CEE: Key Five Lessons For Belarus

Here are the links to our latest publications on the economic situation in Belarus: CASE Working Paper No. 11: 30 Years of Economic Transformation...

29 Jul 2020 | NEWS

The Role of China in the Middle East and North Africa. Beyond Economic Interests?

Abstract The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has traditionally been rather peripheral to China s interests. However, since the early 2000s, wit...

27 Jul 2020 | NEWS

CASE Report: The significance of the tobacco product manufacturing to Poland’s economy

This report, prepared by a team of economists from CASE, is a continuation of the 2018 analysis The significance of the tobacco product manufacturi...

07 Jul 2020 | NEWS

Webinar "Losers and winners of corona-crisis: regional trade tendencies"

Join a live webinar "Losers and winners of corona-crisis: regional trade tendencies" on Thursday (July 9) at 3 p.m. Agenda: The new trade collapse...