From CEFTA to the EU single market: a view from Poland
On May 12, the roundtable of the project „V4 support to promote WB6 Common Regional Market: one market for post-COVID recovery“ took place online. During this event Agnieszka Pechcińska, Junior Economist at CASE gave a lecutre entitled "From CEFTA to the EU single market: a view from Poland"
Agnieszka Pechcińska discussed the experience of Poland in removing trade barriers and improving the business environment with Western Balkan countries. She presented the analysis of trade relations between Poland and WB6 countries and the impact of COVID-19 on economic relations. Agnieszka Pechcinska also discussed recovery and resilience perspectives. Finally, she provided some recommendations for straightening regional cooperation as well as the process of integration of the Western Balkan countries into the EU.
"V4 support to promote WB6 Common Regional Market: one market for post-COVID recovery" is the project that focuses on sharing experiences, transferring knowledge and recommending further regional economic integration through development of the WB6 Common Regional Market using experiences from ex-CEFTA and V4 after integration into the EU single market. Project products (e-book and storytelling video) and events (conference, roundtable, webinar, lectures) address the difference in economic cooperation before and after entering the EU and how to speed up process of European integration, with focus on closer economic cooperation between V4 and WB6 in the post-COVID period.
More information on the project: