EU Integration and the Prospects for Catch-Up Development in CEECs. The Determinants of the Productivity Gap
An international project conducted by a consortium of eleven partners headed by the Institut fűr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH, Germany). The subject of the study were productivity determinants in each of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and a specification of productivity in these countries against the background of European Union member states.
CASE was involved in sixth module of the project, entitled "Firm-specific determinants of the productivity gap: a matched pair-approach involving selected manufacturing firms in West Germany, East Germany and CEE economies".
Final project conference took place on 29-30 May 2004 in Budapest. CASE team presented the paper entitled "Firm-specific productivity determinants. Comparative Analysis of Polish, Hungarian, Czech and German Enterprises". The paper was commented by Richard Woodward (CASE) who also acted as a chair for the session "R&D, Innovation Capacities, and Technology Transfer Capabilities in CEECs". Within the framework of the Project, a study entitled Differences in productivity and its determinants among firms from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Germany: The case of the cosmetics industry was published as part of the series Studies and Analyses (no. 284). The project co-ordinator was Joseph Stephan (IWH), while CASE was represented by Anna Wziatek-Kubiak and Malgorzata Jakubiak.