capital markets, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, emerging markets, Europe, FSU, Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy, Post-communist transition and development issues, CASE Reports, CASE Network Studies and Analyses, Trade, economic integration and globalization

Currency Crises and Fiscal Imbalances. The Transition Countries Perspective


The financial innovations and increased integration of capital markets have made the nature of balance of payments turmoil much more complex, than described by firstgeneration models. The severe financial crises, which erupted in 1990's in many seemingly "invulnerable" economies that in most cases were characterised by a balanced budget and a modest public debt have turned away the attention of analysts and policymakers from fiscal variables towards other determinants. The fiscal factors, nonetheless, still remain among important causes of financial turbulences, especially in emerging markets, what has been manifested by the 1998/1999 crises of FSU (Former Soviet Union) economies.

The purpose of this paper is to re-examine the theoretical and empirical links between fiscal sector and the emergence of financial crises, with an emphasis on transition economies.
