date and location:
12 December 2003

Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Europe, Other Events, Private sector development, innovation and knowledge-based economy

Corporate Governance in Poland and Russia: What Have We Accomplished And Where Are We Going?

A round table was held devoted to presentation of the outcome of the project entitled Partnership for Corporate Governance and Secondary Privatization in Transition. The main topic of the round table were corporate governance problems in Poland and Russia.

The round table took place on December 12, 2003, in Leopold Kronenberg Room of Bank Handlowy, 1st Warsaw Branch (7/9 Traugutta st., 00-950 Warsaw). The room was made available by the courtesy of Leopold Kronenberg Banking Foundation.

 Program of the Round Table

    1. Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure in the Transition: The Cases of Poland and Russia. Opening Remarks (Barbara Blaszczyk, Alexander Radygin)
    2. The Legal Framework for Effective Corporate Governance: Comparative Analysis of Provisions in Selected Transition Economies (Iraj Hashi)
    3. Corporate Governance Development in Poland and Russia: Legal Background and Outcome of the First Decade (Alexander Radygin, Piotr Kozarzewski)
    4. Changes in Companies: An Econometric Analysis (Richard Woodward, Marina Turuntseva)
    5. Closing Remarks (Barbara Blaszczyk, Iraj Hashi)

    Papers for the Round Table

    B. Błaszczyk, I. Hashi, A. Radygin, R. Woodward, Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure in the Transition: The CurrentState of Knowledge and Where to Go from Here

    I. Hashi, The Legal Framework for Effective Corporate Governance: Comparative Analysis of Provisions in Selected Transition Economies

    I. Hashi, Ramy prawne skutecznego nadzoru korporacyjnego: analiza porównawcza wybranych krajów transformujących się

    A. Radygin, Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Outcomes: Russian Federation

    P. Kozarzewski, Corporate Governance and Secondary Privatisation in Poland: Legal Framework and Changes in Ownership Structure

    P. Kozarzewski, Nadzór korporacyjny i wtórna prywatyzacja w Polsce: ramy prawne i zmiany w strukturze własnościowej

    M. Turuntseva, Impact of the institutional structure of an enterprise on the efficiency of its operation: an empirical study (Russia)

    M. Turuntseva, Badania empiryczne nad wpływem struktury instytucjonalnej przedsiębiorstwa na efektywność jego funkcjonowania (Rosja)

    R. Woodward, P. Kozarzewski, Enterprise Performance and Ownership Changes in Polish Firms

    R. Woodward, P. Kozarzewski, Efektywność gospodarcza a zmiany struktury własności w polskich przedsiębiorstwach