Europe, Infrastructure, energy and climate change

Central European Day of Energy (CEDE)

CASE experts participate in the Central European Day of Energy (CEDE) project.
The essential goals of the first CEDE event are to provide comprehensive information concerning the Central European (CE) energy sectors, as well as focusing on those companies - requiring joint support. The aim is to establish a forum for useful networking, discussing energy infrastructure issues, especially in relation to North-South Interconnections in the CE region, and linking the EU with Eastern countries, such as Ukraine. Additionally, the forum intends to facilitate and promote the development of closer co-operation, in the field of energy security, among the key institutions and industrial stakeholders from our region, with the EU’s policy decision-makers.
The first edition taking place on December 9th, 2016 will be focused on the dimensions of the infrastructural needs in the CE region, including the V4 countries, from the perspective of CEEP’s analytical reports.
The event is organised by Central Europe Energy Partners, in co-operation with partners from the CE region and V4 countries, in the premises of the European Commission (Brussels), under the auspices of the Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Energy Union, the Slovak Republic’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the Polish Republic’s Presidency of the V4.
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