Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Trade, economic integration and globalization

CASE discussing the draft final report of the Trade SIA in support for a DCFTA between the EU and respectively Georgia and Moldova

CASE invites interested representatives of civil society organisations to participate in the meeting to discuss the Trade sustainability impact assessment of free trade agreements that are currently being negotiated between the EU and respectively Georgia and Moldova.

Date: 14/09/2012, 14:30 - 16:00
Location: Centre Albert Borschette, room AB-3A, 36, rue Froissart, 1040 Brussels

During the meeting CASE expert Wojciech Paczynski and colleagues from Ecorys, that is a partner institution in implementing the study commissioned by the European Commission DG TRADE will present and discuss the draft final report of the TSIA study.

To learn more about the project see here.

More information on the event is available at DG TRADE website.
