Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in Asia
Yet, the Kyrgyz Republic remains vulnerable to numerous external and internal shocks, and its public finance and balance of payments are still fragile. The social policies in Kyrgyzstan have always been directed towards sustaining the most important country’s achievements in education, health and access to water and sanitation. While the access to essential social services has been mostly preserved, quality of a broad range of services has suffered.
In order to achieve all MDGs, the country needs to increase government spending on MDG-relevant sectors (education, health, water and sanitation). This is possible, if the government would be more successful in implementation of structural reforms, FDI and private domestic investments attraction and mobilization of resources for infrastructure development.
The authors conclude that the MDG achievement in the Kyrgyz Republic seems to require a combination of four types of policies: (i) promotion of economic growth in the country, (ii) increased domestic financing of MDG-related sectors through redistribution of resources between sectors, (iii) increase in cost efficiency of social policies, and (iv) increased attraction of foreign aid.
Read more in CASE Network Report No. 95 "Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in Asia - Macroeconomic Strategies of MDG Achievement in the Kyrgyz Republic" by Roman Mogilevsky and Anarkul Omorova.