Anna Fornalczyk

Co-founder of CASE
Member of the CASE Supervisory Council (until January 2010)

microeconomics, competition policy


• Professor at National-Louis University Business School
• Member of Protection of Consumers' Interest Deparment of OCCP
• Member of Science Council of Polish Chamber of Pension Funds
• Member of Polish-American Freedom Foundation Directors' Council
• Member of AGORA S.A. Supervisory Council
• Member of supervisory boards of PBG, Bank Inicjatyw Gospodarczych, Softbank and Delecta (1995 - 2001)
• Expert of the European Union Commision - consulting to the State Commitee for antimonopoly Policy in Russia (1995-1996)
• Consultant of the World Bank and the European Union Commision on competition policy in transition countries (1990 - 1995)
• Negotiator on competition and State aids rules in european agreement
• Co-ordinator of the Polish delegation in negotiation on competitions rules competitionsrules in Free Trade Agreement in Central Europe (CEFTA) and in the agreement between Poland and EFTA countries,
• Head of Antimonopoly Office (today's Office for Competition and Consumer Protection) (1990 - 1995)

Doctor habilitus in Economics (1987) University of Łódź
Ph.D. in Economics (1975) University of Łódź
M.A. of Management and Organization (1968) University of Łódź

Polish (fluent), English (fluent), Russian (fluent), Serbo-Croatian (fluent), French (working)

project involvement: expert