01 Dec 2015 - 01 Apr 2016
Global/Multiregional, Research, Trade, economic integration and globalization

Analysis of the Prospects for updating the trade pillar of the EU- Chile Association Agreement

Project description

The study will be divided into following sections:

1. Short introduction to the trade pillar of the current EU-Chile Association Agreement.

2. Comparison of the trade pillar of the current Association Agreement with the new generation of the EU free trade and investment agreements (FTAs)

3. Real needs and expectations.

4. Relation to other relevant trade agreements or ongoing negotiations.

5. Conclusions and policy recommendations for the European Parliament.

The study aims to answer the following questions:

- Is there a need for an update of the trade pillar of the EU- Chile Association Agreement

- If so, in which areas it should be updated

- What are the main expectation and concerns on both the EU and Chilean sides

- What are the main obstacles that the negotiations may face

Contracting institution: European Parliament

Leader of the consortium: LSE