An educational-research project financed by The German Marshall Fund
June 2000 marked the conclusion of a one year educational-research project financed by The German Marshall Fund, coordinated by Barbara Błaszczyk. It focused on three areas:
1. The research project called "A Transfer of Technology Pilot Project". This was coordinated by Richard Woodward, and focused on selecting Polish firms from the SME sector suitable for a technology transfer pilot project, plus identifying their potential partners in the United States and Western Europe. The work concluded with a report entitled Pre-Feasibility Study for Transfer of Foreign Technology to Polish Small and Medium Enterprises, presented in May 2000 in Warsaw.
2. Education of young staff members:
- a series of theoretical seminars for young staff employees. The seminars were conducted by Stanisław Wellisz from Columbia University (a series of seminars on applied microeconomics) and Lucjan T. Orłowski from Sacred Heart University (a series of seminars on international financial crises and systems of defending the capital markets in emerging economies)
- financing a study tour to Sacred Heart University, USA, for two young CASE employees: Małgorzata Jakubiak and Katarzyna Zawalińska. During their stay they took part in a summer course of advanced macroeconomics.
3. Promotion of economic research: co-financing of an international conference on the subject "Ten Years After: Transition and Growth in Post-Communist Countries", held 15th - 16th October 1999 in Warsaw.