01 Nov 1996 - 01 Jan 1997
Advisory mission to the Government of Mongolia on privatization
The advisory mission on privatization requested by the Government of Mongolia was financed by the Open Society Institute and included [Wladysław Jermakowicz] (Project Coordinator) and Piotr Kozarzewski. As result of their mission to Ulaanbaatar in November and December 1996 they prepared a diagnosis of privatization process in Mongolia and proposed the new privatization strategy for the subsequent years published in CASE "Studies and Analyzes" series No. 103.
[W. Jermakowicz], P. Kozarzewski and J. Dashyin are authors of the paper entitled 'Economic Transition in Mongolia -1996' published by CEPN in 'Economic Transition Report 1996' edited by A. Böhm (CEPN, Ljubljana 1997, pp. 321-351).