A review of sustainable leadership practices
This Good Practice Review is a part of the “EmpowerHer: Female Leadership for Sustainable Development” project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The project aims to promote and introduce good Nordic practices related to sustainable development and education for sustainable development in the Baltic countries.
The Review presents good practice examples related to education for sustainable development, women’s leadership skills education in the Nordic countries, as well as organizational sustainability approaches. It is divided into three chapters and the three main domains of ESG leadership chosen for investigation: (1) Women’s leadership education; (2) Education for sustainable development; and (3) Implementing sustainability principles in companies.
This resource is tailored for young and aspiring females who are eager to acquaint themselves with the principles of sustainability, ESG and sustainable development practices. Designed as a handbook, it offers foundational knowledge on these crucial subjects, accompanied by illustrative examples in the form of case studies. The goal is to provide a comprehensive resource that not only educates but also empowers young women in understanding and embracing sustainability principles, leadership skills, and sustainable development practices.
As a source of inspiration, this good practice review is also suitable for practitioners and various organizations that collaborate with young females and are oriented towards promoting sustainability, who might be interested in supporting or fostering development of the presented practices.