The Rule of Law and its Social Reception as Determinants of Economic Development
The study The Rule of Law and its Social Reception as Determinants of Economic Development is an interdisciplinary research project proposed by Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) and European Academy Berlin. The study aims to explore the connection between the rule of law, especially in terms of its social reception, and the functioning of market economy from the perspectives of Germany and Poland. The study consists of three parts. In the first step, the researchers will analyse legislation and literature to come up with a picture of the legal basis of the market economy, for example the independence of the judiciary, property rights, anti-corruption laws, etc. This part ends with an inventory of the rule of law de jure in Poland and Germany in the economic context. In the second step, the study will examine societal perceptions of institutions and their socio-economic impact within an economic context by means of sociological and econometric methodology. The aim will be to determine the de facto state of the rule of law and its impact on the market economy in Poland and Germany. In the third step, the results of the study will be disseminated by way of a final report, a conference, and press releases. The project connects two fields of research in an innovative way: 1) the New Institutional Economics, which focuses on the relationship between institutions (the rules of social life) and economic outcomes, and 2) the social working of legal rules, which deals with the interaction between social and legal norms and between the states de jure and de facto of legal norms.
Project supported by Deutsch Polnische Wissenschafts Stiftung