Addressing the challenges of the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in national Recovery and Resilience Plans: a preliminary assessment
This briefing paper provides an initial analysis of selected measures proposed by Germany, France, Italy and Poland in their respective Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs), and focuses on the areas of competitiveness, business environment /entrepreneurship, and (re)industrialisation. As the analysis has shown, targets and milestones set for the majority of the analysed measures seem to be realistic and enhance the probability of completing the planned projects on time; they are also tailored to the needs of specific EU MS.
This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the ECON Committee.
AUTHORS Delia AGOSTINELLI, CASE –Center for Social and Economic Research
Agnieszka KULESA, CASE –Center for Social and Economic Research
Barbara SURDYKOWSKA, CASE –Center for Social and Economic Research
Michalina WACŁAW, CASE –Center for Social and Economic Research
Methodological support: Jan Bazyli KLAKLA, CASE –Center for Social and Economic
Project management: Marek PEDA, CASE –Center for Social and Economic Research