Study supporting the evaluation of the European Labour Authority
The setting up of the European Labour Authority focused on delivering a tool at EU level to ensure that all EU rules on labour mobility are enforced in a fair, simple and effective way. In this respect, the authority was designed on three core pillars: information, cooperation and mediation. These pillars are supported by seven concrete tasks that will support the achievement of its mandate.
In order to streamline the work of the Authority, the co-legislators decided to keep the scope of actions linked to specific legislative acts from the fields of: labour mobility, posting of workers, social security and social aspects of road transport.
In this context, the role of the study is to reflect to which extent the Authority achieved its mandate and if and how it went beyond it, how did the Authority use the existing resources, what are the
main challenges and drawbacks and if there is room for improvement, including the possibility of amending the existing mandate of the Authority.
The purpose of the study is to provide an objective, independent and critical assessment of the work of the European Labour Authority as regards its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added value and in line with the obligations laid out in the Regulation Art. 40 (1). This will focus on the Authority’s actions and take also into account possible synergies with the other EMPL
The study will be conducted by external experts and will feed the Commission’s evaluation report
assessing the performance of the European Labour Authority in relation to its objectives, mandates
and tasks.
It will also provide useful background evidence and lessons learned for future discussion on the work
of the European Labour Authority and, where appropriate, provide a basis for possible legislative
proposals in response to changing needs and/or circumstances.
Client: DG EMPL, European Commission
Project partners: CASE, RAMBOLL, IKEI, SEOR, Milieu, Tetra Tech