SMARTLY - Neets' Employability in the Green & Digital Economy
Project description:
The SMARTLY Project aims to develop an innovative profiling method featuring specific elements relevant for digital and green jobs. The profiling will be integrated by the development of relevant training content aimed at strengthening key competences of NEETs in such areas. Such training content will also build on the on the survey finding conducted with employers and other relevant stakeholders to ascertain the needs of the sector in terms of key competences and skills required in digital and green jobs. The training will be submitted for accreditation at the end of the project.
The project will also engage employers to ensure consistency between labour force competences and demand in the green economy. At the end, PES and other entities will adopt an improved profiling and training approach that will help aligning NEETs’ competences to labour market for Green and Digital sectors.
Finally, the project results will be disseminated widely through the participants’ networks with the aim of transferring the solutions to other organisations that deliver the Youth Guarantee in Europe.
Smartly will generate the following results:
- Survey and needs analysis;
- Design of Training Content in Green Jobs;
- Design of Training Content in Digital Jobs;
- Design and testing of enhanced Profiling Questionnaires;
- Organization of multiplier events;
- Wide dissemination and promotion of project results.
To achieve the results, the partners will implement the following activities:
- desk research and needs analysis and data analysis;
- Interviews with stakeholders;
- online and offline communication activities;
- writing of project reports and elaboration of findings;
- creation of a digital tool for the enhanced profiling questionnaire;
- identification and description of learning outcomes, pedagogical assessment tools, learning methods and training material.
Grant: Erasmus Plus
Project Leader: Jobsplus (MT)
CASE (PL), ANCI Toscana (IT), Local Council Association Polo Universitario di Grosseto (IT), Higher Education Public Employment Service (CY), Public Employment Service (HR) Cde-petrapatrimonia (FR)